Fann mountains – Route FT4 – Maximal

Fann mountains – Route FT4 – “Maximal”

This information in Russian

Key Information

Tour Duration: 11 days
Recommended Group Size: 1 – 10 pax
Destination: Tajikistan
Location: Western Tajikistan, near the Uzbek border (and Samarkand)
Route: Samarkand – Artuch – Kulikalonsky lakes (Bibidzhanat, Dushaha, Kulikalon) – Alaudin lakes – Mutnoe Lake – Chimtarga pass – Chimtarga peak – Greater Alo – Smaller Alo – Amshut – Gaza – Samarkand
Specialty Categories: Mountain Trekking/Mountain Climbing
Grade: Fairly challenging
June – October
International Airfare Included: No
Local Transportation Included: Yes
Personal Travel Insurance Included:
Personal Equipment Included: No
Accommodation in hotels or guest houses Included: Yes
Food Included:
Tour Customizable:
Mountain Guides Service Included: Yes
Donkey/Porters Service Included: Yes
Cook Service Included: Yes
The Guide/Climber Ratio:
Under your request

This trek is an excellent addition to visiting the historical cities of Uzbekistan. The mountains of Uzbekistan are beautiful, but still inferior to the beauty of the Fann Mountains. Over the five days that you may spend in Tajikistan you will see much more beauty of nature than at the same time in any of the accessible mountainous regions of Uzbekistan. At the same time, none of the cities of Tajikistan is comparable to the world-famous historical centers of Samarkand and Bukhara. If you want to see everything at once, please contact us.

Suppliers contact information:; – telegram
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail –

Fann mountains – Route FT4 – Maximal. Program of 14 days trek for the fixed dates: 21.06-2.07, 10.07-21.07, 27.07-7.08, 15.08-26.08, 1.09-12.09, 19.09-31.09, 5.10-16.10.

Day 1. Transfer from Samarkand to Artuch. Rest and preparations for the active trekking part. Night in cottages (2200 m).

Day 2. The beginning of the active trekking part. Climb on a good path to Kulicalon lakes (10 km – the distance covered per one day; 5 hours – is a walk time spent for moving during a day; +700 m – ascend to the height in meters from overnight place). On the descend road during the day there is a possibility to admire a wonderful panorama of majestic Kulicalon wall and surrounding peaks height of 4000 m. (Adamtash, Mirali, Rudaki and etc.). On the way – observing Kulicalon lake basin (14 lakes) with the clearest emerald-blue water. There are a lot of fishes in the lake. The path passes among the picturesque spruce wood. The camp is on the bank of Dushoha Lake (2900 m).

Day 3. Climb to Alaudin Pass (3860 m) and descent to Alaudin lakes. (7 km, 6 hours; +960 m; -1060 m). During the long time the panorama of walls and the view of Kulicalon lakes pleases the look. On the pass saddle – the spectacular views of Chapdara Peak (5197 m) and Chapdar River valley. Far below could be seen the bowls of Alaudin lakes amazing in its water color from light-blue to rich ultramarine. The camp is at the lake’s bank (2800 m).

Day 4. Trek to Mutnoe Lake (8 km, 3-4 hours; +800 m). During the day a splendid panorama of Kazanok peaks, Castle (5070 m), Energy (5105 m) and Chimtarga (5489 m). The severe nature of the alpine zone of mountains, hanging glaciers and steep moraine swells. On the road you can meet birches and small lake named for its round shape – Piala Lake, gigantic steps of the receded glacier, polished rocks. High in the one can see the swirling eagles. The camp is at the bank of Mutnoe lake (3600 m).

Day 5. Ascend the slide-rock and further over the glacier under Chimtarga Pass (4750 m). Somewhere below us was Kaznok Pass, Castle Peak with its flat top towers opposite. Descend of the slide-rock slope into Right Zindan (10 km, 6-7 hours, +1150, -1050 m). The camp is in the gorge (3700 m).

Day 6. Early in the morning climb to the saddle before the Mirali Pass. First movement of scree slope, further on the rocks (4 km, +1100 m). Here is the place for accommodating 5-6 tents. Night in the tents. (4800 m).

Day 7. The day for climbing the Chimtarga Peak. Moving with ropes along the rock/ice ridge (crampons are necessary), climb to Mirali pass (5060m) and further to Chimtarga Peak (4750 m) – the highest point of Fan Mountains. From the top opens a splendid panorama of the famous peaks: Energy (5105 m), Bodhona (5138 m), Chapdara (5197 m), Big and Small Ganza (5306 m and 5031 m), Sugar Head (4987 m), Fun Mountains (10 km, ±690 m). Descend to the camp on the saddle (4800 m).
Day 8. Reserve day in the case of bad weather. If the weather is good it might be excursion to Bolshoye Allo Lake, via Verhneye Allo lake (3400 m) under Moscow Peak (5200 m).

Day 9. Descend to Right Zindan gorge and further along the pass through the “Garden of stones” – a chaotic huge pile of rock fragments ranging in the size from the suitcase till 2 or 3 store house, to the one of the most beautiful lake in Fan – Big Allo Lake (10 km, ~5-6 hours, -1650 m). The camp is at the lake’s bank among the whimsical trees of relict fir tree. (3150 m).

Day 10. Descent to Amshut river and further till its fusion with Archmaydan river (18 km, ~6 hours, -1380 m). Overnight in national house in Gaza village (1770 m).

Day 11. Transfer to Samarkand.

Trekking tour “Mountains and Lakes of Tian-Shan”

Trekking tour “Mountains and Lakes of Tian-Shan”

Горы и озера Тянь-Шаня вместе с

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International Consortium. About Us – telegram
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail –
Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

The tour we offer you below is a light version of trekking on Terskei Ala-Too range and trip to Son-Kul lake. It begins in Bishkek, the capitals city of Kyrgyzstan. By a driven car you are transferred to Son-Kul lake, where you can see beautiful panorama of lake, nomadic life of Kyrgyz people. You enjoy horseback riding or just hiking, spend time with friendly Kyrgyz families and taste their fresh airan (yogurt) and kymys (a fermented national drink from mare’s milk), also you will view horseshow.

Then you continue the trip to eastern shore of Issyk-Kul lake, to Karakol town. After that you are transferred to Karakol Gorge, from here the trekking part starts. A Trekking tour in Terskei Ala Too mountain range is a wonderful combination of landscapes and romantics of adventures. Overnights in tents under the starlit sky, campfire after a long day, amazing beauty of the hidder coners and unusual nature views… it is worth coming to our mountainous land – Land of Kyrgyzstan!

We can see a Karakol Peak (5216m) and famous moraine-glacial lake Ala Kol (3532m). We go over mountain pass Ala Kol (3800m). As a “dessert” we offer you bathing in the hot natural springs with curative mineral water in Altyn Arashan valley!

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Trekking to the Khan Tengri BC. Basic program

Trekking to the Khan Tengri BC. Basic program

The trek to BC «South Inylchek» 4100m : Russian >>>

Trip features: Trek. Visits to Base Camps Southern Inilchek and Karkara, high altitude trekking camps (2800 m. – 4000 m. a.s.l.).

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International ConsortiumAbout Us – telegram
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
e-mail –
Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

Fixed dates available >>>

Trekking to Base Camp + Khan-Tengri expedition. Acclimatization trek to BC «South Inylchek» 4100m + mountaineering program Available >>>

In the season 2024 we will set up permanent tent camps all along the itinerary. It makes a tour so easy for trekkers.

If you book this trekking tour, you can stay in our tent camps all along the tour!

It makes your journey so much easier – no need to carry all heavy tents, pots, plates and other kitchen equipment, as well as food for the whole trek.
It makes your trip cheaper – you don’t need to hire porters, cooks and so on.
It makes your tour safer – you have connection in every camp. Upon arrival you will get a map with the route and all the tent camps marked, as well as a brochure describing the itinerary in details.
It makes the vacations more comfortable – every night you will stay in a warm tent; eating hot delicious European and national food.

Note: please take into consideration schedule of helicopter flights and plan your program according to the schedule.

Khan Tengri fixed dates and + trek

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