Pobeda Peak Expedition

Pobeda Peak Expedition 2024

Key Information

Tour Duration: 27 day(s)
Group Size: 1 – 10 people
Destination: Kyrgyzstan
Coordinates: 42°02′06″N 80°07′32″E
Specialty Categories: Mountain Climbing/Ascending Mountain Peaks
Season: Base Camp South Inylchek will be active between 10 July and 25 August.
International Airfare Included: No
Helicopter Flight to BC and back: Yes
Personal Travel Insurance Included: No
Personal Equipment Included: No
Tour Customizable: Yes
Price Per Person: Full package for 2024 is 2900 USD per person Self Guided Small package in 2024: 1700 USD per person
Mountain Guides Availability: Yes

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International Consortium. About Us
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+7966 065-53-44 – whatsapp/viber
e-mail: your@climberca.com
Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

More info in Russian

– Khan-Tengri Peak expedition 2024

Guided Khan-Tengri Peak expedition – Special offer & fixed dates 2024

Khan-Tengri Peak North Side Expedition (7010 m)

Acclimatization trek from «At-Jailoo» 2500m to BC «South Inylchek» 4100m + mountaineering program


– Climbing to 7000m requires excellent physical fitness and good health. You must be able to walk at altitude for several days consecutively. Average walking time is around 6-7 hours per day. Daily altitude gain is about 500-800 m. You need to be able to handle adverse weather and be comfortable camping on snow covered ground.
– Your insurance should permit you to work on a height above 4200 m.

Base Camp South Inylchek will be active between between 10 July and 25 August in 2024.

Pobeda Peak Expedition (7.439 m)

Pobeda Mountain PeakPeak Pobeda overranges all the other peaks of the majestic Tien Shan range with more than 400 meters. Together with its broad an complex built it makes for one of the most awesome sights in the mountains. The peak was already scaled in the thirties of the last century by Soviet climbers. But it was not known until the spring of 1943 that they had actually scaled the highest peak of these Northern mountains. In 1943 the Soviet team again succeeded in reaching the summit and this time it’s got its name under which it is still known: Peak Pobeda, meaning “Victory peak”.

It is a highly dangerous, exhausting and technical mountain to climb. Sometimes it’s called “ the coldest mountain on earth”. Actually it is one of the northernmost 7000+ peaks on the globe and most routes up it come from the West and Northwest. All these factors add an extra difficulty to climbing it. A frightening number of, mostly Russian, mountaineers lay down their lives on this ridge. This bad reputation made that not very many parties have visited the mountain during the last 10 year, and less experienced climbers stay away with it.

Route description

The most often climbed route, coming from the Southwest involves many kilometers of a mixed and broken ridge which is all situated above 7000 meter.

Advanced bace camp is located at Zvjozdochka glacier at 4600 m. Then early in the morning we head for camp at 5300m on Dickiy pass. Camp 3 is at snow plateau at 5700 metres where we will either use snow caves or tents. Further camps are then established at 6400m and 6800m, the upper camp being just before the long traverse (about 6 km. at the altitude above 7000m.) to the summit ridge. A final snow cave is normally established at 7100m towards the other end of the long traverse. The summit day is relatively long.

Basic program – 27 days.

Day 1. Arrival in Bishkek, accommodation in a hotel.
Day 2. Transfer Bishkek- Karkara ( 460 km ), accommodation at the Camp.
Day 3. Fly by helicopter to BC “ South Inylchek ” (4000 m.)
Day 4. Acclimatization and preparation for ascent.
Day 5. Acclimatization and preparation for ascent.
Day 6. Climb to the camp № 1. 4600 m.
Day 7. Climb to the camp № 2. 5300 m.
Day 8. Climb to the camp № 3. 5700 m.
Day 9. Climb to the camp № 4 6400 m.
Day 10. Descent to the camp № 1. 4600 m.
Day 11. Descent to the base camp.
Day 12. Rest day.
Day 13. Climb to the camp № 1.
Day 14. Climb to the camp № 2.
Day 15. Climb to the camp № 3.
Day 16. Climb to the camp № 4.
Day 17. Climb to the camp № 5. 6900 m.
Day 18. Climb to the camp № 6. 7100 m.
Day 19. Ascent of summit and descent to the camp № 5
Day 20. Descent to the camp № 3.
Day 21. Descent to the camp № 1.
Day 22. Descent to the base camp.
Day 23. Additional day in case of bad weather.
Day 24. Additional day in case of bad weather.
Day 25. Helicopter flight to Karkara and transfer to Bishkek. Overnight in hotel.
Day 26. Free day in Bishkek. Overnight in hotel.
Day 27. Transfer to the airport. Departure.

Note: Please note that the above itinerary is intended to be a guideline only. Unforeseen problems with team fitness could occur and there is always the threat of bad weather to force last minute changes. Our expedition equipment and food will have to be carried up over a period of time and several climbs to each camp. This routine, of climbing high and sleeping low before occupying each camp, will also provide essential acclimatization. This period will also include essential rest days taken at Base Camp. The expedition guide will work with the primary objective of getting as many people to the top as possible, rather than adhering to any previously laid down itinerary.

Schedule of helicopter flights in 2024:

July ——-
August ——-

Cost of a full package in 2024 is 2900 USD per person.

Full package includes:

  • meeting/seeing-off at the airport in Bishkek or at railway station in Bishkek;
  • transfer airport in Bishkek– hotel – airport in Bishkek;
  • transfer Bishkek to helicopter landing spot in Karkara and back;
  • helicopter flight to BC and back;
  • unlimited luggage weight on the helicopter flight to BC and back;
  • accommodation in the hotel in Bishkek with breakfast and in Karkara base camp with full board (no more then 4 nights only in total!);
  • accommodation in double tents with full board at BC “South Inylchek“;
  • free usage of hot shower and sauna, toilet and cloak-room at BC “South Inylchek“;
  • consultancy service of local guide;
  • consultancy of doctor;
  • registration with local Rescue Party;
  • ecology fee payable for usage of territory at BC;
  • usage of long-distance radio telecommunication service;
  • rent of ultra-short wave radios during ascents;
  • usage of fixed ropes on the route;
  • change of air-flight and railway tickets;
  • frontier zone permit;
  • official registration with authorities of Kyrgyzstan and visa support letter (if needed);

Cost of a small package in 2024 is 1700 USD per person.

Small package includes:

  • helicopter flight to BC and back (it’s permitted only 30 kg per person, extra kilo costs 5 EURO/kg);
  • free usage of toilet and cloak-room at BC “South Inylchek“;
  • consultancy service of local guide;
  • consultancy of doctor;
  • registration with local Rescue Party;
  • ecology fee payable for usage of territory at BC;
  • usage of long-distance radio telecommunication service;
  • rent of ultra-short wave radios during ascents;
  • usage of fixed ropes on the route;
  • change of air-flight and railway tickets;
  • frontier zone permit;
  • official registration with authorities of Kyrgyzstan and visa support letter (if needed);

The cost for both packages does not include:

  • The cost of Kyrgyz visa;
  • International flight;
  • All optional deviations from the main itinerary;
  • Beverages and meals not included in main menu;
  • All personal expenses (extra luggage fee, room service, medical expenses/insurance, etc.);
  • The services of a mountain guide and porters for ascending/descending;
  • The rent of mountaineering equipment;

Additional services at Base Camp:

Rent of tents for high camps – 100 USD per program
Gas cartridges of 230 g (butane/propane) – 15 USD per one cartridge
International call by satellite telephone – 5 USD/min
Internet – 5 USD/hour

Special offer:
Oxygen cylinders – 650 USD
Rent of mask and oxygen pressure reducer – 300 USD
Deposit for oxygen cylinders – 50 USD (refund, if you bring back an empty balloon)

Personal equipment:

Backpack – 85 liters, Sleeping bag -1, Sleeping pad – 1, Helmet -1, Harness – 1, Carbines – 4, Jumar – 1, Crampons– 1, Repshnur (6-7 mm) – 5 m, Ice axe – 1, Sun glasses – 1 or 2, Torch (headlamp) -1 + set of spare batteries, Ice screw -2, Folding knife – 1, Down jacket/parka -1, Gortex: pants, jacket – 1 suit, Polartec: jacket 200 -1; pants – 1, Thermal underwear – 1 suit, Polartec 100 – 1 suit (jacket, pants), Polartec gloves -1, Overmitts – 1.+ windproof -1, Warm hat -1, Balaclava -1, Warm socks -2 pairs, Socks, Gamashi, Sun protection crèam, Figure-8 descender – 1, Telescopic Sticks (poles). – 1, Avalanche shovel –1, High altitude boots – 1, Trekking boots -1.

Insurance information

Dear guests,
Please pay attention on the fact of your security in case of any accidents if you purchase insurance policy. Responsibility for the reliability of the insurance company and for the accordance of insurance policy to our demands holds by the owner of insurance. We imperatively recommend to control next information in the insurance policy:

1) GLOBAL VOYAGER CAN NOT INTERVENE as an insurance company assistant

2) The sum of the policy must cover not less than USD 30.000

3) In the field “occupation” (or “sports practice”) “Mountaineering” must be notified

4) As Country of stay – Kyrgyzstan

5) The effective dates of the insurance policy must be included and coincide with the dates of Stay in Kyrgyzstan

6) The insurance policy must cover at least “first aid” and “transport of affected by helicopter if necessary” (be sure of this point to be included during the formalization of the insurance policy)

Before the formalization of the policy, make sure which assistant operates the insurance company in question.

Please remember: we do not work with GLOBAL VOYAGER assistant. In case the client has purchased an insurance policy in any company whose assistant is GLOBAL VOYAGER, medical and transportation expenses will be borne by the client involved.

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