Mt. Gyajikang 7,038m. / 23,090 ft. Expedition

Mt. Gyajikang 7,038m. / 23,090 ft. Expedition


Пик Гьяджикэнг 7038 м

Gyajikeng Peak is located in the Peri Himal mountain system northeast of Manang and is open for climbing only after 2002. It is interesting for its height and the availability of routes from relatively simple to technically complex.

Восхождение на пик Гьяджикэнг 7038 м. >>>

Expedition Itinerary: A

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu airport, meet our staff then transfers to Hotel.
Day 02: Kathmandu free.
Day 03: Official works for expedition and briefing by officer of Ministry of Tourism.
Day 04: Kathmandu – Khuldi then transfer to Teahouse/Tented Camp.
Day 05: After Porter arrangement start to walk – Ngadi overnight.
Day 06: Ngadi – Jagat 1314m.
Day 07: Jagat – Dharapani 1943m.
Day 08: Dharapani – Koto 2713m.
Day 09: Koto – Daramsala.
Day 10: Daramsala – Phugaon.
Day 11: Phugaon – Gyajinkhan Base camp.
Day 12-22: Climbing Period of Gyajikang 7038m.
Day 23: Base Camp Clean up and preparation.
Day 24: Base Camp – Daramsala. Tented Camp
Day 25: Daramsala – Dharapani.
Day 26: Dharapani – Jagat.
Day 27: Jagat – Ngadi.
Day 28: Ngadi – Bhulbhule & drive back to Kathmandu then transfer to Hotel.
Day 29: Kathmandu free.
Day 30: Last minute, transfer to airport for onward journey.

Expedition Itinerary: B
(Entry: Pokhara, Exit: Besi Shahar)

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu airport, meet our staff then transfers to Hotel.
Day 02: Kathmandu free.
Day 03: Official works for expedition and briefing by officer of Ministry of Tourism.
Day 04: Kathmandu – Pokhara by tourist Bus then transfer to Hotel.
Day 05: Pokhara – Manang (Humde) 3195m. flight and overnight.
Day 06: Humde rest for acclimatization.
Day 07: Humday – Ngawal village.
Day 08: Ngawal – Camp under Kang La pass.
Day 09: Kang La Pass BC – Nar village.
Day 10: Nar Village– Gyaji Kang Base Camp.
Day 11-21: Climbing periods for Gyajikang 7038m.
Day 22: Base Camp Clean up and preparation.
Day 23: Base Camp – Daramsala.
Day 24: Daramsala – Dharapani.
Day 25: Dharapani – Jagat.
Day 26: Jagat – Ngadi.
Day 27: Ngadi – Bhulbhule and drive back to Kathmandu then transfers to Hotel.
Day 28: Kathmandu free.
Day 29: Kathmandu free.
Day 30: Last minute, transfer to airport for onward journey.

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