Razdelnaya peak expedition

Razdelnaya peak expedition

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Climbing is cool. It’s fashionable. More and more people every year want to test their ability in the mountains. But not everyone is equally rich and healthy for such expeditions. One able to attempt the highest mountain peaks of the world, like Everest and Cho Oyu. Others choose in the middle, at the peaks of 7000m +. But even more climbers are attracted by the so-called trekking peaks with a height of 6000m +. We have a large list of climbing programs for such peaks. Most of them are located in the Nepal Himalayas. But in the season of 2019, the top-selling trekking peak climbing program became Razdelnaya peak (6148 m.) package. Why?

The phenomenon of organised camps

In the Himalayas, there are a lot of peaks that attract climbers. But when you look at the climbing program and see the words Base Camp, what does this mean? Does this mean that the Base Camp is an organised place where climbers can expect comfortable accommodation, food, Internet and other facilities? Not at all! Very often, this is just a point, from where the ascent to the top usually begins. Everything that you will need for sleeping, cooking, seating, eating etc., you have to bring with you, or your tour operator must deliver it there for you.

In the Kyrgyz mountains, this is not so. At the foot of Lenin Peak, Khan-Tengri Peak and Ala-Archa, comfortable base camps have been created, moreover in Ala-Archa, the hut can host climbers all year round. But back to Lenin Peak. Arriving in Osh by plane, having one backpack, with your personal belongings, in just a few hours you will find yourself in a comfortable Base Camp. Here, tents with beds are ready for you, food is prepared. The camp has electricity, internet and even a doctor.

Here you can rent most of the things you need to climb.

So, it remains only to climb to the top. But on the way to it there is the Advanced Base Camp almost as comfortable as a BC, and high-altitude camps with pre-installed tents, high-altitude food and kitchen utensils. All this greatly reduces the level of requirements for climbers. Reduces climbing time and program cost. Here’s the answer to the question: why Peak Razdelnaya appeared among the best-selling destinations.


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Ski touring and Backcontry at Lenin peak

Ski touring and Backcontry at Lenin peak

This page in Russian

Are you a skier or a snowboarder?
Do you ride out of the prepared skiing tracks or going to start?
And you always wished to visit some Base Camp at the foot magnificent mountains?
And you wished you could slide down some slope of a seven-thousand-meters peak?
Would you like to continue skiing season in summer?

If your answers to the questions above are “yes” then this is something for YOU!

The best time is the beginning of a season of July – 1.07.

The program of 16 days, to Razdelnaya peak. Those wishing to climb to the summit of Lenin Peak, should pay extra for the guide’s service +$500

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+7966 065-53-44 – whatsapp/viber
e-mail: your@climberca.com


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