Trekking in Himalayas. Annapurna Base Camp trek

Anapurna Base Camp Trek

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Annapurna Base Camp Trek is the most popular trek in the Annapurna Region Trekking Package. It provides views of both cultural and natural beauties. Trekkers have always demanded and admired this route for trekking. At the end of the trek, the beautiful views around just turn to beautiful memories. This is the reason why explorers find it fascinating to get into this area.

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Trekking in Annapurna Base Camp Area takes you to the centre of the entire Annapurna Range. This place is perfect with magnificent design of the formation of mountains. The glaciers and snow-capped peaks around the area add a different flavour to the trek. Also, there is Annapurna Sanctuary surrounded by the high Himalayas of the Annapurna Range named Mt. Machapuchchre[6991m/22,936ft], Mt. Gangapurna[7454m/24,455ft], Mt. Annapurna 1[8091m/26,545ft], Unclimbed fang[7647m/25,088ft] and Annapurna south[7273m/23,861ft].


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Communism & Korzhenevskaya peaks

Communism & Korzhenevskaya peaks

Восхождение на пики Коммунизма и Корженевской

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International Consortium. About Us
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Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

Traditionally the central and northwestern parts of the Pamir are considered one region. Two of the three peaks over 7,000 m above sea level in the Pamir are in this area – Mt. Communism (7,495 m) and Mt. Evgenii Korzhenevskoy (7,105m)- and there is also the Fedchenko glacier, the largest in Central Asia (71.2 km long). This region consists of a series of mountain ranges that run in a latitudinal direction and are connected to one another by the Akademia Nauk (Academy of Science) range. There are two areas with base camps. The first is the Moskvina camp, which lies near a little lake on the plateau covered with edelweiss and wormwood that extend up to where the Waltera and Moskvina glaciers converge, at 4,100 m. This camp is the starting point for the climbs up Mt. Communism and Mt. Korzhenevskoy. The second camp is Suloev (or Fortambek), on the plateau of the same name, where the Fortambek glacier points northward, opposite the Tramplinniy (Springboard) glacier. The climate in this region is characteristically quite variable. The mountain climbing season is very short; the best period is from mid-July to August 20.

Central part of Pamir presents two giants for climbing: Communism (7495 m) and Korzhenevskoy (7105 m) peaks, which are standing in front of each other. Both of them has extra class routes and classical ones for easy climbing with pre acclimatization as usual up to Pamirskoe Plateau.

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Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Valley Trek

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11 Days Trekking in Langtang region. Langtang valley trek is typical Tamang and Sherpa village tours Langtang Valley, Beautiful Langtang Lirung, Yala Peak, Tamang culture, wilderness route, typical buddhist culture

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International ConsortiumAbout Us – telegram
WhatsApp / Viber +7966 065-53-44
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Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

The Langtang Valley Trek is the most famous trekking route in the Langtang Region. This trek provides you the beautiful views of the Langtang Valley, Langtang Lirung, The Yala peak and the rich wilderness route of the Langtang Region. Interacting with people of Tamang ethnicity here is like sharing the best Buddhist culture anywhere in the world. All these prime factors together form up a trekking package known as Langtang Valley Trek.


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