Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest base camp trek. Guaranteed departure dates

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Called as Sagarmatha “Sky Head” by Nepali and Chomolungma “The Mother Goddess” by Tibetans, Everest is the highest peak in the world with the altitude of 8848m. This trek that goes to the lap of Everest and is designed to fulfill dream of many people to experience this historic route walked by legendary climbers like Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa in 1954.  The trail goes through the jaw dropping mountain vista set in the backdrop of culturally rich Sherpa villages, dense forest offering home to diverse range of flora and fauna and furiously galloping snow fed rivers.

This incredibly enticing trip starts from upper Phakding and following Dudh Koshi Valley it goes to the Sherpa capital of Namche Bazaar. Namche is the bustling bazaar and a meeting point for trekkers and local Sherpa. From Namche the trail goes along a high traversing path and offers a magnificent view of Everest and then head towards Tengboche monastery. Tengboche monastery sits in the altitude of 3867m and is surrounded by firs and Rhododendron. The monastery grants commanding view of Everest landscape. From Tengboche we will go down to Imja Khola and continue the walk through the villages of Pangboche and Periche which ultimately lead us to Khumbu glacier. And following the glacier we will trek to Lobuche which is the vantage point offering spectacular view of Ama Dablam, Tawache along with hodgepodge of many others. From here we will trek to Gorakshep and ultimately climb to Kalapatthar(5545m). Kalapatthar offers spectacular panorama of regal Himalayas which will leave you dumbfounded. We then trek down to Everest base camp which is situated at the foot of Khumbu icefall and ultimate make our way down to Lukla.

Supplier of services: ClimberCA International ConsortiumAbout Us
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Note: ClimberCA offers to you the best service & the firm prices of all kind of services we offer on our web-pages. Some services, which we offer to you, are truly unexampled.

Price $1390

Guaranteed departure dates

24, 29

9, 25, 26

2, 9, 23, 24

*** January to March (winter): In this season temperature will decrease at often 0°C (32°F) at night, with extreme cold at high elevations. It is possible to trek in places like the Everest region during the winter but due to extreme cold weather and heavy snow fall it may be quite difficult than as usual.

3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 29, 30

2, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24

1, 5, 8

2, 9, 23, 24

3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 29, 30

2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 28, 31

3, 4,   7, 14

1, 14, 15


Day 01: Kathmandu Arrival

As soon as you land on the Tribhuwan International Airport our representative will pick you and transfer to the hotel.

Day 02: Fly to Lukla and trek to Phakding

Early in the morning we will drive to airport and board a flight to Lukla. After landing in Lukla we will start a downhill walk and make our way through Chaurikharka village and we further descend to Ghat(2530m). Following the bank of Dudhkoshi River we finally arrive to Phakding for overnight stay.

Day 03: Trek to Namche Bazaar (3430m); 5-6hours

Following the banks of Dudh Koshi River the trail takes us to Tok Tok. From here one can view the excellent vista of Thamserku peak. Further continuing the trail climbs to Monjoo(2840m) and then enters to Sagarmatha National Park. Walking some distance uphill you will arrive to Jhorsalle(2830m) and after this we will cross a bridge and witnessing the magical panorama of Everest and Nuptse we will ultimately arrive to Namche Bazaar.

Day 04: Acclimatization in Namche Bazaar

After having breakfast we will do some sightseeing around Namche and then hike to Everest View Hotel for the outstanding view of Everest, Nuptse, Ama Dablam, Kangtega, Thamserku, Kusum Kangaru, Khongde and Khumbi yu La. later we will make our way to Khumjung valley where you can see Hillary school, ancient monastery with Yeti skull and Khunde hospital. After this we will retrace our path back to Namche bazaar for overnight stay.

Day 05: Trek to Tengboche(3867m); 5-6hours

After having breakfast we will continue the trek through the forest to Kenjoma where the trail joins from Khumjung. After passing the village of Sanasa the trail descends to Phunki Tenga(3250m). Then again the trail climbs steeply through the forest to Tenboche monastery. From here we will witness the stimulating Himalayan panorama of Kwangde, Tawachee, Everest, Nuptse, Lhotse, Ama Dablam, Kantega and Thamserku.

Day 06: Trek to Dingboche(4300m); 5-6hours

Leaving Tengboche behind us the trial descends through the Rhododendron forest and crossing the bridge over the Imja Khola we will arrive to Deboche. The trail for Dingboche falls in the climbing route of Island peak and Phokalde peak. The seasonal settlement of Dingboche is also the entrance to Khumbu valley.

Day 07: Acclimatization day in Dingboche

Today you may have full day rest or hike into upper Imja valley to Chukkung(4730m) which is situated just below the south face of Lhotse or you too can climb to Nagarjun Peak which offers the spectacular view of Imjatse valley with Dingbuche village, Makalu, Ama Dablam and Island peak. Retrace your path back to Dingboche for overnight stay.

Day 08: Trek to Lobuche(4930m); 5-6hours

From Dingboche the trail gradually goes uphill to Duglha offering stunning view of Tawachee and Cholatse. From Duglha the trail goes towards Khumbu glacier for an hour and then turns to the village of Lobuche. Stay overnight in camp.

Day 09: Trek to Gorkshep(5140m); 3hours

After having breakfast the trail gradually goes uphill through the side of Khumbu glacier to Gorakshep. The path to Gorakshep is rocky and windy but offers the spectacular view of Mt Pumori and Everest Base Camp.

Day 10: Trek to Everest Base Camp (5364m) and retrace the path back to Gorakshep; 5hours

After having breakfat the trek continues towards the Everest Base Camp following the Khumbu Glacier. The path here can be confusing, so it is better to follow the Sherpa. Each year the trail changes due to the movement of glaciers. The walk is quite tiring as it goes through rocky dunes, moraine and streams till you reach the Base Camp. Due to high altitude and thin air you too may face some breathing problem. After having a grand time here we will retrace our path back to Gorakshep for overnight stay.

Day 11: Trek to Kalapathar(5545m) and descend down to Pheriche(4240m); 8-9 hours

Early in the morning we will hike to Kalapathar to witness a 360degree panorama of regal mountain peaks. This rocky peak with the altitude of 5545m gives the joy and sense of self-satisfaction which is beyond imagination. From here the Everest looks amazing and the panoramic view of Khumbu glacier seen in the south sweeps you up. After having our breakfast in Gorakshep we will trek down to Dhugla and then to the valley floor of Pheriche. Stay overnight in hotel.

Day 12: Trek to Phortse(3800m)

Following the main base camp trail we will arrive to Pangboche. From here we will climb uphill to visit the monastery and make our way to lesser visited village of Phortse for overnight stay.

Day 13: Trek to Monjo

Leaving Phortse behind us the trail goes steeply down and cross a river at 3600m before climbing Mon La(3973m). The trail again descends down and joins the main Everest trail to Namche Bazaar and continues to the village of Monjo for overnight stay.

Day 14: Trek to Lukla(2800m); 5-6hours

Enjoying the lush green scenery we will continue the downhill walk following the Dudh Koshi River to Lukla. Stay overnight at hotel.

Day 15: Fly back to Kathmandu

Early in the morning we will catch a scenic flight back to Kathmandu over the Himalayas. After having lunch we will have plenty of time for sightseeing and shopping.

Day 16: Free day in Kathmandu

Today we can enjoy either shopping or sightseeing or simply have rest.

Day 17: Farewell

You will be transferred to Tribhuwan International airport for your onward journey.

Trekking Info

Stay Safe
Altitude Sickness: The main and common risk while trekking above about 2500m is Altitude sickness. Altitude sickness is caused by acute exposure to low partial pressure of oxygen at high altitude. The available amount of oxygen to sustain mental and physical alertness decreases with altitude. Available oxygen drops as the air density itself, the number of molecules (of both oxygen and nitrogen) per given volume, drops as altitude increases. So don’t ignore, if you have any symptoms then descending to a lower altitude is the only option.

Water: Have some means to purify water, iodine or a fine ceramic filter are the best options. The streams should be considered polluted and whilst bottled water is often available, the disposal of plastic bottles is a problem.

Electricity in Nepal
Nepal is a developing country, Outside of major cities area electricity on trekking can be scares. You should have to pay 100-800 NRs per hour to charge goods on many lodges and also many tea-house treks, including in Annapurna base camp trek, Everest Base camp trek and many others treks also. Chargers often won’t work on low power solar systems you find right up in the mountains so u can buy alternative bayonet light to electricity power plug converter, which will only works in low voltage is highlow. The standard Nepalese electrical outlet is a three-pronged triangle so bring three-pronged triangle chargers.

Nepal Climate information
Nepal is a landlocked country which lies in Hindu Kush Himalayan region. Nepal has monsoonal climate having four main seasons: spring, summer, monsoon, autumn and winter.

Below is a general guide to conditions at different seasons:
January to March (winter): In this season temperature will decrease at often 0°C (32°F) at night, with extreme cold at high elevations. It is possible to trek in places like the Everest region during the winter but due to extreme cold weather and heavy snow fall it may be quite difficult than as usual.
April to June (summer): In these months it is quite warm and dry weather. There is an abundance of blooming flowers in the Himalayas at this time, with rhododendrons, in particular, adding a splash of color to the landscape. This season is the best time to undertake mountain expeditions.
June to September (Monsoon): There will be heavy monsoonal rainfall in this season. Rains are generally lighter in high Himalayan reasons. In this season the mountain ranges are not often visible due to the clouds.
October to December (autumn): These months are cool and clear which is due to the end of monsoon, there is little dust in the air so this is the best season to visit the hilly and mountainous regions.

Nepal Visas information
Visa in Nepal can be acquired on arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport, Kathmandu and also at the border entry points in Kakadvitta, Birgunj, Bhairahawa, Nepalgunj, Gaddachowki border of Nepal – India and Kodari on Nepal-China border. Visa can also acquire at the nearest Nepal Embassy. For visa renewal purpose you can contact at Department of Immigration, Kalikasthan at Kathmandu. A valid passport and one passport -size photo with a light background is required. Visa can be obtained only through payment of cash in the following currency: Euro, Swiss Franc, Pound Sterling, US Dollar, Australian Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar, Singapore Dollar and Japanese Yen. Credit card, Indian currency and Nepali currency are not accepted as payment of visa fee.

Visa Facility Duration Fee
Multiple entry 15 days US$ 25 or equivalent convertible currency
Multiple entry 30 days US$ 40 or equivalent convertible currency
Multiple entry 90 days US$ 100 or equivalent convertible currency

Respect to Local Peoples
In Nepal, “Namaste” or “Namaskar” is said to an older or high-status person with palms together, figure up. It is used to greet a person in place of goodbye or hello. There is no limitation how many times you say “Namaste” but, it is better if you say once per person, per day. If You want to say “Thank You” then you can say “Dhanyabaad /’ðɅnjɅbɑ:d/ (Dhan-ya-baad)”

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